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Certified Teachers
About MediSys
MediSys develops curriculum-based digital educational aids for medical, dental, nursing and allied health courses. Our peer reviewed undergraduate packages are comprehensive, well integrated and competency based. They can be swiftly deployed at a modest cost, for measurable impact on learning outcomes, enrollment numbers and asset/staffing efficiencies.
The formats typically combine crisp notes with a wide range of exhibits (illustrations, procedure videos, charts, animations), besides an extensive range of audio-visual lectures, question banks, test-prep products, etc. In a self-study context, these modules provide enhanced understanding, practical exposure and practice readiness. Remedial/ supplementary education sessions are easy to schedule for small groups, while each student can access all materials at any-time, from anywhere either on a personal device or in a library.
Faculty can utilize different features of the packages to improve teaching-learning efficiencies: exhibits and notes set to a curriculum, comprehensive and well sequenced, a range of exercises and facilitator guidelines, demonstrations and practical guidance – all set to vastly enhance the overall classroom experience. Productivity rises as a consequence.
Our new MBBS package includes the complete range of early clinical exposure (ECE) modules, materials of small-group discussions (SGD) and bedside clinics (BSC), DOAP/labs and practical sessions and certifiable skill development modules. Particular attention is paid to the manner in which clinical correlates are established, and horizontal/ vertical integration elements are addressed. The LMS is ideal for online teaching, automation of basic classroom functions, including formative assessments.
Periodic updates are an important aspect of the offering, as also some limited customization.
Taken together they can make it easier for a teacher to operate at higher efficiencies, and for a student to be committed to self-directed learning. Everyone gains from vastly enhanced flexibility in terms of scheduling classes, running assessments and conducting supplementary sessions, online or in-campus.
To summarize, we hope to make new capacity creation easier, as asset/staff efficiencies improve from the innovative pedagogy development, ICT application and calendar design.
Medisys is also committed to continuing education in new online / blended formats. The focus is on GP, and on GP+ level courses presently, sharply focused on practice improvement. Aside from review and refresh components, the emphasis is on screening, surveillance, preventive care and wellness.
A unique bundle of competencies, alliances and partner arrangements.
MediSys has significant formal and informal collaborations with colleges, hospitals, equipment manufacturers and subject matter experts for sourcing raw content, and for facilitating reviews.
The in-house team comprises academicians and academic coordinators, videographers, medical illustrators, animators, graphics/instructional designers and content editors. MediSys also has custom-designed learning management platforms and a system integration capability to support client sites and back-end services delivery.
The Company’s long-term value proposition rests on the following:
a) Access to a wide variety of clinical materials and a mature system of editing, enhancing and crafting them into packages for health sector related education.
b) Access to highly competent human resources in a set of specialties relevant to digital content/ course production (ICT professionals, multimedia professionals, content editors and subject matter experts).
c) Good back office capabilities necessary to administer online or blended courses inexpensively (for Continuing Medical Education (CME)/ Continuous Professional Development (CPD) only.)
d) Unwavering focus on costs, to continuously produce new content and services at very affordable prices.
Our Partners
Board of Directors
- Mr. M N Rao
- Mr. P. Narendra
- Mrs. Bala Deshpande
- Mr. Ruchir Lahoty

Mr. M N Rao
Chairman & CEO
MediSys EduTech Private Limited
MN acquired a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering from Osmania University in Hyderabad, India and a Masters in Management from McGill University in Montreal, Canada.He started his career as a covenanted officer in Standard Chartered Bank ,and later held senior management positions in finance and corporate planning in different sectors. After a stint as EVP(Finance) of Siemens Ltd in India, he held CEO positions in Siemens and the Tata Group for over 15 years cumulatively. MN has a successful track record in both turnarounds as also nurturing young companies to stability, financial success and sustained relevance.His abiding interest is in design issues and in sustainability, in the crafting of new business models and enterprises that achieve goals apparently at odds.

Mr. P. Narendra
Managing Director,
Pragati Offset Private Limited
A Graduate in Chemical Engineering from the Manipal Institute of Technology, he worked in a Metal Finishing company in Bangalore for 2.5 years before joining Pragati Offset Pvt. Ltd., a commercial printing press started by his father Sri Paruchuri Hanumantha Rao in 1962. His hard work and dedication, along with his family's support, not only established Pragati among the best printers in the world but also made it the most awarded print company in India. He firmly believes in the power of collaboration and holistic learning methodologies.

Mrs. Bala Deshpande
Senior Managing Director
MegaDelta Capital Advisors, LLP
Bala has 28+ years of work experience, with 22 being in investment advisory. Her investment advisory career started with ICICI Venture in 2001, with a portfolio of about 39 companies. Later, she joined NEA to set up and head its India advisory practice. Bala has also been an Independent Director on the Board of the multi-billion-dollar company Info Edge Ltd and Future Enterprise Limited for 10+ years. Before investment advisory, she worked for about ten years with MNCs like ICI, Cadbury’s and Best Foods in various roles like Sales, branding, marketing and strategy. With a strong network across industries, Bala is regarded as a trusted collaborative partner, committed to building enduring businesses.

Mr. Ruchir Lahoty
Managing Director,
MegaDelta Capital Advisors, LLP
An alumnus of Delhi Univerity and IIM A, Ruchir brings more than eleven years of experience in various roles in private equity investing, equity research, M&A and IT services. Prior to MegaDelta, Ruchir was a Managing Director at NEA India, managing their investment in FSS, MediSys EduTech, Naaptol, IDfy, GOQii amongst others. Before this, he worked with ICICI Venture on investment opportunities in various sectors including retail, consumer, FMCG, media, telecom, payments, technology and education. Ruchir has worked with Thomas Weisel in India as a lead equity research analyst and with TATA Consulting Services in delivery roles and in-house M&A group. Ruchir believes in disruptive growth through innovations and thought leadership.